

Please help me help someone else…..

Imagine up to 200 paraglider pilots hiking up Kilimanjaro at the same time with the same purpose…..

Wings of Kilimanjaro” is a once in a life time chance to climb and fly off the highest free standing mountain on the planet and in doing so we will raise over a million dollars for two special charities chosen by the group of dedicated pilots that worked so hard to make this happen.

The two charities chosen “PLANT WITH A PURPOSE” and “ONE DIFFERENCE” have been chosen because the Tanzanian government has specifically requested that funds raised by this event be spent on three key areas of need: Health, Environment and Education while focusing on the Kilimanjaro region.  These two will help raise awareness and help change the situation in Tanzania with deforestation and poverty as well as the bleak water situation.  They will do so by using funds to help start family and community gardens and re- planting trees as well as educating local people in the Kilimanjaro region of the importance of sustainable and community led water and sanitations systems.

My goal is to raise over $10, 000 which I will need in order to take part in this.  A minimum of $5,000 in money raised for the charities is required and $5,000 that I will need to get there (plane fare, porter fees, guides etc).   Any thing over my goal will go 100% to the charities and if for some reason I do not end up going ALL the money I’ve raised will go directly to the two Charities chosen for this event!!!

I’ve decided to take part in this because I love to fly, I love to hike and I love giving back in any way that I can.  I am proud to be part of this group of dedicated pilots working together to make a difference. I believe every little bit helps make this world a better place.  I’ve been so fortunate in my life because of flying.  Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and consider helping me to reach my goal by donating here:


Just to give you an idea of how the US Nationals are going….We’ve had one competition day and the rest have been hiking days due to the monsoon weather we’ve been plagued with.

A small group of us hiked in Capital Reef National Park the other day….we decided to stay high due to the threat of “flash floods”.  Staying high put us in another risk category….

Check out this picture 🙂


Red Rock PG Nationals, Kari Castle, Hayden, Utah, Capital Reef, Lightning

Whats wrong with this picture?

(photo by: Marge Glatte)


I’m making fun plans to join Luis Rosenkjer and Todd Weigand on a trip to Quique, Chile for anyone interested.  In the past the focus was mainly PG but this year they may branch out an include HG which is super exciting…stay tuned!!!  For more information see below!  Hope to see you down there!!!

Iquique Program Details

November 19th – December 5th

    • November 19th – 24th
    • Iquique Instructional Days – Saturday, Nov. 19th (arrival) to Thursday, Nov. 24th (departure) – (P-1 to P-4 level)
    • November 24th – 28th
    • Iquique  Days #1 – Thursday, Nov. 24th (arrival) to Monday, Nov. 28th (departure) – (P-2 to P-4 level)
    • November 19th – 28th
    • Iquique  Days #2 – Saturday, Nov. 19th (arrival) to Monday, Nov. 28th (departure) – (P-2 to P-4 level)
    • November 28th – December 5th
    • Iquique Days #3 – Monday, Nov. 28th (arrival) to Monday, Dec. 5th (departure) – (P-2 to P-4 level)


Contact  ME for more information!


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